User Configurable Dashboards
Welcome to Energy Stats Dashboards.
On the main data pages of the site, the time frames of the graphs are all pre-set, you can’t change them.
We have data for the following tariffs
You can find these tariff pages using the main selection menu of the website or clicking on the links above.
Standard graphs on those pages will look like this
All the Smart Tariffs – Yorkshire
In most cases the date ranges on these pages and graphs is the most relevant snapshot from the particular tariff.
But I know that some people want more data!
For those that are willing and able to get your hands dirty you can download the raw data in CSV format for many tariffs from the Download Historical Data page.
But not everyone can, or wants to process that amount of data.
So that is where the Dashboards feature comes in, providing graphs that have user selected timeframes.
You can access the dashboard via with the opening page looking like this.

When you scroll down the page you will see many of the most popular graphs from the websites as well as the few additions.
Dashboards just allows to you delve deeper into all the underlying data.
Area Code
In the top left corner you’ll be able to choose the DNO region that you’re interested in looking at.
- Eastern England
- Southern England
- East Midlands
- South Eastern England
- London
- Southern Wales
- Merseyside & Northern Wales
- South Western England
- West Midlands
- Yorkshire
- North Eastern England
- Southern Scotland
- North Western England
- Northern Scotland
If you’re not sure what a DNO region is or which one you are in, please take a look at our DNO Region Codes Explained page.
Time Ranges
Once you’ve chosen the Area Name then it is over to the top right to choose the Time Range that you’re interested in.
As per the screen grab below there are two type of time ranges; Absolute and Relative.

Hopefully these should be pretty explanatory, but if you’re struggling there is the Grafana Documentation to help you.
As the Agile pricing data goes right back to February 2018 you could do potentially choose ‘now-700d’ without any bother. If you were to go back further than February 2018 (or May 2019 for Outgoing) then you’d see an empty graph as there is no data to show.
Please bear in mind that the more data you ask for (i.e. you go back further) then there may be a short delay as all the info is pulled back from the database.
I really hope you find this feature useful. Any problems please let me know via the Contact Form on the site.
Referral information and free credit offer
If you find the content of this website useful and are thinking of joining Octopus Energy, please consider using my referral code or ‘buy me a coffee’ to help support running costs of the website (hosting fees / cloud servers etc).
Homeowners using this referral code will gift you £50 of free Octopus Energy credit after signup:
Business users that signup using the same code with be granted £100 of free credit.
If you would like to ‘buy me a coffee’ to show support, please use this link:
If you’re considering owning part of a wind farm through Ripple Energy, get £25 of free credit (if investing more than £1000) using my Ripple referral link.
Energy Stats can also be found on Twitter / X. Please follow us @energystatsuk for daily tariff pricing graphs and summaries.
We have also started posting the same graphs over on Mastodon. You can find us here:
And now over on Bluesky too. Find us here:
And we are even trying to get the info out via Instagram. Find us here:
Note: The current and past performance of energy pricing is not necessarily a guide to the future.